SDG Action:
Why the United Nations Hosted CartoonAFRICA Campaign in Bonn, and How Bonnections Took it Further…

Francis Umendu Odupute, CEO of African
Press Cartoon, and initiator/curator of ‘Cartoon Africa international Biennil
(CAIB)festival’ hosted by Nigeria.
“…@Francis, it would be awesome to exhibit the cartoon
Africa posters in Bonn at the Alte VHS community center during the local SDG
Days (17 events for 17 goals). One of these events will be a May 25
Africa Unity Day celebration at Alte VHS, organized by the local NGO DAZ e.V.
(German-African Center). Very best, Sandra”
The above email proposal from Bonnections’
Sandra Prufer, sent on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 5:14am, set the stage for several
correspondences that led up to the ongoing traveling “CartoonAFRICA” SDG cartoon
campaigns to engage and interface aesthetically with many more audience in
Bonn, Germany within the prism of graphic humour, after an audacious global showing
at the 2019 UN SDG Global Festival of Action in Bonn, from May 2 to May 4,
to UNDP’s Christina Ann and her SDG team, the initiator and curator of “Cartoon
Africa International Biennial (CAIB)” initiative, Francis Umendu Odupute,
ensured some “fantastic posters” gleaned from Cartoon Africa international
Biennial (CAIB) festivals graced the 2019 SDG Global Festival, on the
invitation of the United Nations.
The traveling “Cartoon Africa International Biennial (CAIB) SDG Cartoon Campaigns…”
was exhibited at the wooden foyer by the cloak room at the 2019 United Nations
SDG Global Festival of Action which took place in Bonn, Germany, from May 2 to
May 4, 2019, as part of the SDG Action creative innovations. The following links from the event offer more
insights on CAIB contribution at the SDG Global Festival of Action: ;
SDGs: CAIB SDG cartoon
campaign/exhibition at the wooden foyer by the cloak room of the festival in Bonn, on May 1, 2019.
UN’s Endorsement of CAIB as SDG Action Partner:
The CAIB initiative, jointly
powered by African Press Cartoon, FICDATA Artists Cluster and the Beautiful
Feet International Kreativ Brainz Klub (BFIKBK), has been certified a “UN SDG
Action Partner” by the United Nations. It
all began with an invitation letter addressed to Mr. Francis Umendu Odupute,
dated 31 January, 2019, and signed by Marina Ponti, Global Director a.i. of
UN SDG Action Campaign which stated in part:
“…I am writing to invite you to join us at the SDG Global Festival of
Action which will take place from 2 to 4 May 2019 at the World Conference
Centre in Bonn (Germany) and feature the Africa
International Biennial (CAIB) Traveling Cartoon Campaign in the Festival’s
Exhibitions Zone.
“The Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development is a
ground-breaking annual event powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign with the
support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
(BMZ), the German Federal Foreign Office and other partners,” Ponti wrote, adding that “The
Festival gathers the global community taking action to make the SDGs a reality.
With the assumption that the SDGs will only be achieved if everyone takes
action, the Festival puts the spotlight on and celebrates innovators,
mobilizers and change-makers who are transforming lives- through advocacy and
inspiring actions- and who are joining the global movement for the SDGs.
“With over 1,500 participants from all over the world from a wide
range of sectors (national and local governments, youth, civil society, private
sectors, foundations, media and music sector) the SDG Global Festival of Action provides
an unparalleled opportunity for scaling up and broadening the global movement
for the SDGs and for forging new partnerships and coalitions for the SDGs….” Ponti wrote.
Ponti, Global Director of UN SDG Action Campaign
SDGs: An SDG festival
participant rests in front of the exhibited posters for CAIB SDG cartoon
Nigeria’s Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary General, at
the 2019 UN SDG Global festival of Action in Bonn.
least ten thousand African children and youths are targeted to be engaged,
empowered and positively involved in the fight to secure Africa of the future
(and the rest of the world), through some tangible Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) actions by the year 2030”, says Francis Umendu Odupute, initiator
and curator of the growing ‘Cartoon
Africa international Biennial (CAIB) festival’, a collaborative agenda of the AFRICAN PRESS CARTOON, the Francodus International Communications
Development Advocacy Through Art (FICDATA), and the Beautiful Feet International kreativ brainz Klub (BFIKBK), all based in Nigeria.
In consultation with other
implementing partners, c “CartoonAFRICA SDGs
ArtivismWritivism Training Series” for African children and youths as
scale up of our growing CARTOONAFRICA
INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL (CAIB) FESTIVAL, an international public education
initiative which is now in its 7th year since it was launched in
Lagos, Nigeria, in November, 2012. Visit our website:
“CartoonAFRICA SDG ArtivismWritivism Training Series”,
is a youth engagement creative education and empowerment project expected to to
empower one million African children and youths within 10 years, with necessary
creative skills set to be financially self-reliant; and to directly involve African children and
youths in the global actions to achieving the United Nation’s vision 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) through artistic expressions and multimedia
innovations within the creative sector. The serial trainings is the capacity
building/financial empowerment segment of the CAIB program.
According to
Odupute, if the funding needs are met, the strategic “CartoonAfrica Traveling SDG
Cartoon Campaigns/ArtivismWritivism training series” is expected to
tour various cities, towns and rural communities across Africa and overseas
empower young people in Africa, broaden audience engagement and scale up the
CAIB program for more impact until 2030 when the CAIB SDG action project comes
to its climax.
other implementing partners are currently seeking collaborations and funding
support for some of the key modules in this long-term regional capacity
building/skills development training series for African young people, as well
as to host at least one special children/youth cartoon art and photography
exchange program climaxing in an exhibition of cartoons, photography, etc.
resulting from the trainings/exchange program, in Washington, D.C, and in Benin
City, respectively in the year 2021. The exchange program will enable Nigerian
children/youths to cross-pollinate creative ideas with their American peers,
engage in creative exchanges in visual literacy and pictorial storytelling, and
engage in cross-cultural intercourses in line with Sustainable Development Goal
“Over 200 cartoonists from over 120 countries
are already involved in this collaborative agenda to use artistic expressions
within the prism of graphic humour to
provide answers to many development concerns in line with meeting the SDGs”,
Odupute reveals, while chronicling the successes, failures and prospects of the
CAIB program since it began in November, 2012, at the White Space (in Ikoyi),
Lagos State, Nigeria, adding that “Through the magnanimity of highly skilled
cartoon contributors worldwide, we began gathering all these artworks/project
content, namely: editorial cartoons, comics and graphic novels, photo stories,
short cartoon animations, comedic paintings
and illustrations, etc, since November, 2012, till date.
strategic thematic frameworks aimed at
mobilizing a critical mass of change advocates, cartoonists, cartoon animators,
illustrators, photographers and other graphic communicators and visual
reporters in Africa and around the world, we have been interfacing across
different sectors, through graphic humour
and edutainment, and fostered creative dialogues on how cartoons and
comedic art can be effectively deployed to efficaciously draw attention to
development concerns in Africa not given the attention they deserved within the
context of the United Nation’s vision
2030 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) and the ‘New Partnership for
African Development’ (NEPAD), etc”, the CAIB curator says.
agrees that to meet the SDGs, everyone around the world must take action, no
matter how small or simple, hence his decision to seek novel ways he could
collaboratively make a tangible contribution in “advancing the
global movement for the Sustainable Development Goals in the most creative,
wholesome, transformative, impactful and innovative way that gainfully carries
young people along.”

explains further, “Presently, through the BFI “WASH in Schools
(WinS) project” in selected schools we have helped many schoolchildren and
youths to realize how they can lead healthy lives through improved sanitation
and personal hygiene culture. The creative education is gradually triggering
voluntary behavior changes and transforming
many youngsters into SDG activists and change-makers by their positive
inclusion and involvement in taking simple, scalable creative actions that
gradually lead up to efficaciously imbibing the messages of the SDG campaigns
in their little corners and circles of influence”.
Within 2018 alone, some 1000
schoolchildren and youths benefitted from the ongoing BFI WASH in Schools (WinS) project in Benin City, Edo State, and
in Okwe and Omelugboma, in Delta State, (Nigeria), where they received free
WASH4All comic books gleaned from CAIB platform and used as teaching
aids/training materials that helped sensitized and triggered many
schoolchildren’s interest in the fight against WASH-related diseases. (Visit:;
The free
WASH4All Comic books were produced and distributed in collaboration with
Horizon International (USA), and printed with a seed funding from The
Pollination Project (TPP), USA, and individual donors/supporters. (Visit: )
Proofs of possible tangible
transformative effects of the CAIB
initiative on youth participants’ lives with potential legacy and
sustained changes can be seen from the following impact stories:;
The 4th edition of Cartoon
Africa International Biennial (CAIB) festival opened in Benin City, Edo State,
Nigeria on Friday, 23rd November, 2018, under the theme “AFRICA OF THE FUTURE: Sustainable
Development through Youth Empowerment”, and builds upon the 3rd edition in
2016, tagged “AFRICA OF THE FUTURE:
Sustainable Environment = Sustainable Development", which also had
consolidated on the 2nd edition in 2014, with the central theme: “AFRICA OF THE FUTURE”. See: .
(CAIB) festival is a
collaborative agenda to deploy artistic expressions and multimedia innovations
within the prism of graphic humour to broaden audience engagement and spur
people to proactive SDG actions in favour of Africa’s productivity in a global
context. Since its establishment in 2012, this public education cum social
impact program targets mostly young people in Africa and is currently scaling
up for new frontiers to make more impact plus enjoy more value chains…
CAIB exists primarily as a social impact art and media program
with a long term economic plan of transforming the creative economy of Nigeria
and the rest of Africa through indigenous African cartoon media contents,
animations, children/youth literature, etc. CAIB
is being organized by Beautiful Feet International
Kreative Brainz Klub (BFIKBK), an organ of Beautiful Feet International (BFI),
in collaboration with African Press
Cartoon Company (APC) and the Francodus
international Communications development Advocacy through Art (FICDATA), an
arm of Francodus International Communications (FIC).
*How Bonnections Collaborated to broaden CAIB
audience engagement in Bonn:
Thursday, 23 May 2019 at 15:48, Sandra Prufer wrote (and copied Francis):
Imen & Africans Rising Team,
for the info about the upcoming Africans Rising events and activities around
the globe on May 25.
the very last minute, we are now again organizing a local African Liberation
Day event this year.
"Africa of the Future" Cartoon exhibit will already open on Friday
evening, but the the exhibit will be induded in a neighborhood walking tour
organized by our Tannenbusch House friends on May 25.
anniversary celebration at the Tannenbusch House also includes a musical
evening with Melchi, a young musician & singer-songwriter from
Cameroon. At both events, we will
present and/or read the Kilimanjaro declaration.
it be still possible to add our #May2019 event to the global activitiy map?
the best,
we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that
humanity stops threatening its life-support system. We are called to assist the
Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own - indeed to embrace
the whole of creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. Recognizing that
sustainable development, democracy and peace are indivisible is an idea whose
time has come.”
Wangari Maathai (1940 - 2011), Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Founder of
the Green Belt Movement
are cordially invited to an intercultural evening and Iftar community dinner on
May 24 at the International Women & Family Forum in Tannenbusch. Join us to
enjoy a traditional fast-breaking meal in the spirit of peace. The Iftar buffet
opens after sunset (9.26 PM).
teamed up with the Cartoon Africa International Biennial (CAIB) to host an
exhibit of the Cartoon artwork displayed earlier this month at the UN SDG
Festival of Action and trigger a cross-cultural dialogue about the Sustainable
Develpment Goals during the local SDG Days. #SDGGlobalfest. #Act4SDGS
"Africa of the Future" exhibit opens the day of the second global
Fridays for Future strike (May 24) and on the eve of African Liberation Day
(May 25). Thereby we like to hightlight the demands and connecting struggles of
the global climate justice movement and the Africans Rising youth movement.
Africans Rising calls in its Kilimanjaro Declaration to build a Pan-African
campaign that is:
Expanding space for civic and political action
Fighting for women’s rights and freedoms across society
Focussing our struggles on the right to Equity and Dignity
Demanding good governance as we fight corruption and impunity
Demanding climate and environmental justice
cartoons and other artwork will be displayed until June 1 at the forum during
regular opening hours. The Forum also open its doors on May 25 (1 - 3 PM) for
Africa Liberation Day and the Tannenbusch Tour (as part of anniversary
are also warmly invited to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Tannenbusch
House on May 25 with our friends of the Tannenbusch House community:
Discover Tannenbusch Walking Tour (1 - 3.30 PM)
International Game Afternoon (4 - 6 PM)
International Music Night with Camaroon Singer-Songwriter Melchi Vepouyoum (7 -
10 PM)
House, Oppelner Str. 69)
Sandra Prüfer
│ Communications Consultant
“Cartoon Africa
exhibit will continue to be used!” – Sandra
Friday, May, 24, 2019, Sandra Prufer wrote:
Cartoon exhibit will open tomorrow. We switched to another location, the
International Women & Family Forum in Bonn Tannenbusch. This centre was
founded by Lul Autenrieb, a Somali community activist, women & human rights
advocate and survivor of sexual violence.
way this isn't just a pop-up exhibit on May 25 for the Africa Day Fest at Alte
VHS community centre, and we are able to reach more and a wider variety of
See invite below. Please share the Facebook
event invitation through your channels.
exhibit will also be a part of a neighborhood walking tour on Saturday to
celebrate Africa Liberation Day and the 2nd anniversary of the Tannenbusch
House which is a community & social innovation space for sustainable
are excited to show your cartoon exhibit in this culturally diverse, low-income
neighborhood and spark an intercultural dialogue about the SDGs, climate &
environmental justice. The exhibit will close on June 1 with a collaborative
(Africa themed) "Parachute for the Planet" painting with kids from
the neighborhood. We will invite them to draw their inspiration from the
cartoons and SDGs.
with local artists and non-profit partners, I will explore the possibiliy of a
future collaboration as described in your email. A fundraiser advocacy art exhibition and
training workshop for young people in Bonn, next year, around the period of the
2020 SDG Global Festival of Action sounds like a great idea. A possible partnering organisation could for
example be Caritas & their House Mondial, where we will show the Human
Rights poster exhibit during the local SDG days (May 31 - June 19). The house
has a nice arts room in the basement.
I will keep you posted and email you photos
from the cartoon exhibit.
Friday, May 24, 2019, Sandra Prufer wrote:
a photo album of today's community event & opening of the CAIB Cartoon
exhibit "The Future of Africa". More pics to follow.
the best

Sandra Prufer and Epifania

SDGs: A cross section of visitors and participants at the 2nd
CAIB festival hosted
by the Edo State Government, through the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Tourism, in Benin City, Nigeria, on November 27, 2014.